Archive: 2023

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Bad Water, Knoxville, Tennessee
July 8 - Aug 13, 2023

In 1784, an early witness of Wolfgang von Kempelen’s Speaking Machine — one of the first to articulate a somewhat complete range of vowel and consonant sounds — recorded in letter a response to hearing its set of sounds, together functioning as something of a synthetic bridge to nowhere:

"You cannot believe, my dear friend, how we were all seized by a magic feeling when we first heard the human voice and human speech which apparently didn’t come from a human mouth. We looked at each other in silence and consternation and we all had goose-flesh produced by horror in the first moments."

Honesty (Anti-Cartesian Model)
Von Kempelen Speaking Machine reconstructed from 1791 plans in Mechanismus der Menschlichen Sprache Nebst der Beschreibung Seiner Sprechenden Maschine (maple, walnut, brass, silicone, leather, resin, tape), ball bearings

Honesty (Anti-Cartesian Model)
Von Kempelen Speaking Machine reconstructed from 1791 plans in Mechanismus der Menschlichen Sprache Nebst der Beschreibung Seiner Sprechenden Maschine (maple, walnut, brass, silicone, leather, resin, tape), ball bearings

Honesty (Anti-Cartesian Model)
Von Kempelen Speaking Machine reconstructed from 1791 plans in Mechanismus der Menschlichen Sprache Nebst der Beschreibung Seiner Sprechenden Maschine (maple, walnut, brass, silicone, leather, resin, tape), ball bearings

Honesty (Anti-Cartesian Model)
Von Kempelen Speaking Machine reconstructed from 1791 plans in Mechanismus der Menschlichen Sprache Nebst der Beschreibung Seiner Sprechenden Maschine (maple, walnut, brass, silicone, leather, resin, tape), ball bearings

Untitled (Xenomorph)
white brass, medical tape, epoxy, cardboard

Untitled (Xenomorph), 2023, white brass, medical tape, epoxy, cardboard

Egg I Laid
XPS foam, resin, aerosol paint

Girls/Crossdressers’ Bows
found wood, conduit pipe, denim stretch belts

Girls/Crossdressers’ Bows, 2023, found wood, conduit pipe, denim stretch belts

Rissa Exchange
backpack sprayer, scrunchie from Rissa received April 2023 in exchange for one brown scrunchie, canvas, ball bearings, unidentified fluid

deconstructed bag, rivets, steel

On/No, 2023, deconstructed bag, rivets, steel

Untitled (Field Array)
13 tripods, 3 channel audio

Three-channel audio for this piece consisted of three speakers floated in the rafters of the barn playing slightly out of sync sounds of various knocks and percussive hits as if from the outside of the barn.