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Silence of the Lambs (1991) as Audience
installation, 4.1 channel audio r/t 12:37

Room-sized installation functioned as an affect-oriented, image-absent reconstruction of the film "Silence of the Lambs" in order to consider the role the film (and its literary origin object) have played within trans culture and representation. The quadraphonic audio component consists of various dramatized re-enactments of the film's foley, dialogue, and feature of the Q Lazzarus song "Goodbye Horses." Scattered about the space, various props appear to have slipped from screen into world. As audience is invited to experience the audio component in the center of the room, they in turn become center stage for a secondary audience that is invited to view the engagement as a performance from the outside of the yellow acrylic room.

Silence of the Lambs (1991) as Audience
installation, 4.1 channel audio r/t 12:37

Silence of the Lambs (1991) as Audience
installation, 4.1 channel audio r/t 12:37

Silence of the Lambs (1991) as Audience
installation, 4.1 channel audio r/t 12:37

install view
"In Defense of Pure Evil" at Anderson Gallery, Richmond, VA

Femme Brother Printer
Brother laser printer, clay, basket reed, plasticine, rags, chicken bones, steel

Object Roleplay Sleepless in Seattle (1993) Fan-fiction
"An Evening in New York" by AussieFicReader (manipulated), vinyl on aluminum dibond

spotlight, fabric, charcoal on HDU