Archive: 2024

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Untitled (doll)
case, SLA printed resin

stop-gap projects, Columbia, MO
curated by Thomas Love

gallery text excerpt: "The exhibition centers on two sculptures, each made of a resin-hardened skirt penetrated with metal pipe and electrical conduit. Titled Infrastructure (sissy) and Girl (pipe), the sculptures combine gender codes with building materials, unsettling expected distinctions between inside and outside, natural and artificial, or modeled and found. They each occupy space quite differently, one reaching and spreading like a node in a network, the other standing upright like a figure on the ground.

The walls of the gallery have been altered with two sets of interventions, all described as Letters of Support. A series of cast silver faceplates ornament the space with words including “good,” “true,” “dead,” and “name.” Modeled on the logo of a set of Hi-Fi speakers from the artist’s childhood home, these literal letters are at once an individual reference and means of referring to an individual. Alongside the faceplates, the walls have been sanded in two 1.5 x72 inch strips, subtly indicating the studs that support the structure.

Hanging in the gallery window, a plastic bag bellies out as if with rainwater. Evoking the envelopes used to post job tickets on construction sites, in this case the bag contains a drawing of a plastic shopping bag. The bag-within-a-bag collapses different economic scales, from individual commerce to urban infrastructure. "

Installation view
Letters of Support, various

Installation view
Letters of Support, 08 and 09

Letters of Support 08 and 09
Sanded wall

Installation view
Letters of Support, 09 and 10

Installation view

Infrastructure (Sissy)
Resin-hardened skirt, acrylic latex paint, conduit, cabling, found plumbing, polyester

Infrastructure (Sissy)
Resin-hardened skirt, acrylic latex paint, conduit, cabling, found plumbing, polyester

Girl (Pipe)
Resin-hardened skirt, acrylic latex paint, found plumbing

Girl (Pipe)
Resin-hardened skirt, acrylic latex paint, found plumbing

Girl (Pipe)
Resin-hardened skirt, acrylic latex paint, found plumbing

Letters of Support, 01-07
Silver, aerosol paint

Letters of Support, 01-07
Silver, aerosol paint

Letters of Support, 01-07
Silver, aerosol paint

Letters of Support, 01-07
Silver, aerosol paint

Letters of Support, 01-07
Silver, aerosol paint

Letters of Support, 01-07
Silver, aerosol paint

Letters of Support, 01-07
Silver, aerosol paint

Letters of Support 10
Graphite on paper, plastic sleeve protector, Bonne Femme Creek water, oil, detritus

Letters of Support 10
Graphite on paper, plastic sleeve protector, Bonne Femme Creek water, oil, detritus

Letters of Support 10
Graphite on paper, plastic sleeve protector, Bonne Femme Creek water, oil, detritus